Wednesday Jokes, Puns, One liners: Laugh on Hump Day

Get ready to laugh out loud with this collection of 40 hilarious Wednesday jokes and the finest Wednesday puns that will surely tickle your funny bone. Whether you’re a kid or an adult, these jokes about Wednesday are perfect for everyone.

Prepare to be entertained with our handpicked selection of top-notch Wednesday dad jokes.

Discover your favorite Wednesday puns, burst into laughter, and don’t forget to spread the joy by sharing this delightful Wednesday humor with your friends and loved ones.

Funny Wednesday puns

Here are 50 funny puns about Wednesday that are suitable for adults, kids, work, and students:

  1. Why did the calendar go to therapy? It had a case of midweek madness!
  2. What do you call a cheerful Wednesday? Wensunshine!
  3. Why did the math book look forward to Wednesday? It knew it would finally get its chapter squared away!
  4. How did the days of the week decide to vote? They held a “Wednesday” poll!
  5. What did Wednesday say to the other days? “It’s ‘winds-day’ because I’m blowing through the week!”
  6. Why did Wednesday always bring an umbrella? It liked to shower everyone with midweek surprises!
  7. How did Wednesday get to the top of the hill? It climbed “Winds-day” Mountain!
  8. What do you call a Wednesday with a cold? A “floozy” Wednesday!
  9. How did Wednesday greet the other days? With a “Hump Day, folks!”
  10. Why did Wednesday join the circus? It wanted to be the midweek ringmaster!
  11. What do you call a Wednesday that’s good at magic? Wiz-nesday!
  12. How does Wednesday like to dance? In the “midweek shuffle”!
  13. Why did Wednesday bring a ladder to work? It wanted to climb the corporate “Hump Day” ladder!
  14. What did Wednesday say to Thursday? “We’re two days closer to the weekend, pal!”
  15. How did Wednesday get over the midweek blues? By adding some “hump-back” whales to the ocean!
  16. Why did Wednesday always carry a magnifying glass? It liked to focus on the details of the week!
  17. What do you call Wednesday’s favorite type of music? “Hump-hop”!
  18. How did Wednesday become a successful salesperson? It knew how to pitch “Hump Day” deals!
  19. Why was Wednesday so good at solving mysteries? It had the “hump-tinct”!
  20. What did Wednesday say when it won the lottery? “I’m ‘Winds-day’ rich now!”
  21. How did Wednesday calm down after a stressful day? It practiced “humpnosis”!
  22. Why did Wednesday start a band? It wanted to play the “humpbone”!
  23. What do you call a Wednesday that’s always late? “Tardy Wednesday”!
  24. How does Wednesday stay in shape? It does the “midweek workout” routine!
  25. Why did Wednesday enjoy gardening? It liked to watch the “hump-blossoms” grow!
  26. What do you call a Wednesday that loves pasta? “Spaghetti Wednes-day”!
  27. How does Wednesday solve problems? It thinks outside the “hump-box”!
  28. Why did Wednesday join a comedy club? It wanted to deliver “hilarious hump-liners”!
  29. What did Wednesday say when it found buried treasure? “I’ve struck ‘Winds-day’ gold!”
  30. How does Wednesday handle the midweek traffic? It practices “hump-to-hump” driving!
  31. Why did Wednesday take up photography? It wanted to capture the “hump-tastic” moments!
  32. What do you call a Wednesday that’s a great swimmer? “Humpback stroke”!
  33. How does Wednesday like to travel? By taking the “humpback express”!
  34. Why did Wednesday open a bakery? It wanted to serve “humpcakes” to everyone!
  35. What did Wednesday say to the forgetful Thursday? “Don’t ‘hump’ on my toes, pal!”
  36. How does Wednesday enjoy its coffee? With a little “hump of sugar”!
  37. Why did Wednesday become a fashion designer? It wanted to create stylish “hump-day” outfits!
  38. What do you call a Wednesday that loves to read? “Bookworm Wednesday”!
  39. How does Wednesday solve a difficult problem? It takes a “hump-stacle” course!
  40. Why did Wednesday start a petting zoo? It wanted to have “humpback camels” as its main attraction!
  41. What do you call a Wednesday that’s good at math? “Hump-day Arithmetic”!
  42. How does Wednesday stay organized? It uses a “hump-day planner”!
  43. Why did Wednesday become a detective? It wanted to solve the case of the missing “hump”!
  44. What do you call Wednesday’s favorite game? “Hump and Seek”!
  45. How does Wednesday like to relax? With a soothing “hump massage”!
  46. Why did Wednesday become a chef? It wanted to cook up delicious “hump-day specials”!
  47. What did Wednesday say to Friday? “I’m halfway there, my friend!”
  48. How does Wednesday keep its energy up? With a “hump-day power nap”!
  49. Why did Wednesday become a weather forecaster? It wanted to predict the “hump-day forecast”!

Wednesday one liners

Wednesday: halfway to the weekend, but still too far from pay day. #WednesdayOneLiners

On Wednesdays, we wear pink… or just try to survive the week. #HumpDayJokes

What do you call a camel on Wednesday? Hump day humor! #WednesdayPuns

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to start planning your weekend escape from reality. #MidweekMadness

Why did the student bring a ladder to school on Wednesday? To reach hump day! #SchoolJokes

Wednesday is the perfect day for a mid-week crisis. #HumorForAdults

On Wednesdays, we drink coffee like it’s our job… because it is. #WorkHumor

What do you call a Wednesday that feels like a Monday? A midweek mess! #FunnyWednesday

Why did the chicken cross the road on Wednesday? To get to the middle of the week! #JokesForKids

Wednesday: the day when you start counting down to Friday and forget about everything in between. #WorkJokes

What do you call it when a Wednesday feels like a Friday? A midweek miracle! #WednesdayLaughter

On Wednesdays, we wear sweatpants and pretend to be productive. #WorkFromHomeHumor

Why did the scarecrow win an award on Wednesday? He was outstanding in his field! #PunsForKids

Wednesday: the day when your to-do list is longer than the hours in the day. #AdultingJokes

What’s the difference between Wednesday and your ex? One is a day of the week, and the other is a freak of nature. #MidweekLaughs

On Wednesdays, we use sarcasm as a coping mechanism. It’s cheaper than therapy. #FunnyWorkQuotes

Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants on Wednesday? In case he got a hole in one! #GolfJokes

Wednesday is like a rollercoaster ride – it’s all downhill from here. #HumorForStudents

What do you call a Wednesday that acts like a Monday? A midweek meltdown! #FunnyHumpDay

On Wednesdays, we pretend to be organized and fool everyone except ourselves. #WorkLifeHumor

Why did the calendar get into a fight with Wednesday? Because hump day is always stealing the spotlight! #CalendarJokes

Wednesday: the day when you need a map to navigate your own thoughts. #MidweekStruggles

What’s the difference between a Wednesday and a weekend? One is the middle of the week, and the other is the end of your sanity. #WeekendHumor

On Wednesdays, we take coffee breaks every hour on the hour. It’s the only way to survive. #CoffeeJokes

Why did the football player skip practice on Wednesday? He was all humped out! #FootballHumor

Wednesday is like a traffic jam – it’s slow and painful, but you’ll get through it eventually. #WednesdayMotivation

What do you call a Wednesday that’s actually productive? A midweek miracle! #FunnyQuotes

On Wednesdays, we wear black to mourn the loss of the first half of the week. #MidweekBlues

Why did the teacher wear sunglasses on Wednesday? Because they needed to shield their eyes from the brilliance of the students’ midweek groans! #TeacherJokes

On Wednesdays, we play “Guess the Office Air Freshener Scent” to add excitement to our mundane work routine. #OfficeHumor

What’s the best way to survive a Wednesday? Take frequent breaks to daydream about Friday. #WednesdaySurvivalTips

Why did the student bring a ladder to school on Wednesday? To climb over the hump day and reach the weekend faster! #SchoolHumor

On Wednesdays, we practice our “I’m totally paying attention” face during meetings. It’s an art form. #MeetingHumor

Why did the math teacher love Wednesdays? It was the only day they could count on for a fraction of peace! #MathJokes

Wednesday: the day when we contemplate quitting our jobs and becoming professional beach bums. #WorkEscapeFantasies

What’s the most challenging part of Wednesday? Trying to remember what day it is without consulting three different calendars. #MidweekConfusion

On Wednesdays, we wear a superhero cape under our work attire. It’s our secret weapon against midweek monotony. #SuperheroWednesday

Why did the chef always serve spaghetti on Wednesdays? It was the day they liked to pasta time! #FoodPuns

Wednesday: the day when our productivity levels drop lower than the chances of finding a unicorn in the office. #ProductivityJokes

What’s the best cure for Wednesday blues? A strong dose of humor and a large cup of coffee. #WednesdayTherapy

On Wednesdays, we unleash our inner child and indulge in a midweek ice cream party. Calories don’t count on hump day! #IceCreamWednesday

Why did the musician refuse to perform on Wednesdays? They believed hump day was reserved for rest and record-spinning! #MusicHumor

Wednesday: the day when we contemplate changing our career path to become professional nap takers. #DreamJobGoals

What’s the secret to surviving Wednesdays? Surround yourself with colleagues who appreciate your witty sarcasm. #WorkplaceLaughs

On Wednesdays, we wear our favorite mismatched socks to rebel against the monotony of the week. #SockDayWednesday

Why did the computer programmer love Wednesdays? It was the day they could embrace their inner coding wizard! #TechJokes

Wednesday: the day when we engage in intense debates over whether it’s too early to start planning next weekend’s adventures. #WeekendDreaming

What’s the best way to tackle Wednesday? Dance your way through the day, one silly move at a time. #HumpDayGrooves

On Wednesdays, we treat ourselves to a fancy lunch and pretend we’re dining in a Michelin-starred restaurant. #LunchtimeLuxury

Why did the comedian refuse to tell jokes on Wednesdays? They believed hump day was reserved for puns and one-liners! #WednesdayHumor

Best Wednesday jokes

Why was Wednesday invented? To give Tuesday a mid-week crisis!

What do you call a Wednesday that feels like a Monday? A “mondayish” Wednesday!

Why did the scarecrow take a break on Wednesday? It needed to let its hay down!

Why did the math book look so sad on Wednesday? It had too many problems!

What did the Wednesday say to the other days of the week? “I’m halfway to the weekend, suckers!”

Why did the teacher bring a ladder to class on Wednesday? To help the students reach for the weekend!

What do you call a Wednesday with perfect weather? A “wonderful Wednesday”!

Why did the clock feel bored on Wednesday? It was stuck in a mid-week time loop!

Why do vampires love Wednesdays? It’s the perfect day for a mid-week bite!

Why did the skeleton feel lonely on Wednesday? It needed a “bone”-afide mid-week friend!

What’s the best way to make Wednesday more exciting? Turn it into “Wacky Wednesday” and wear mismatched socks!

Why did the tomato turn red on Wednesday? Because it saw the salad dressing!

What do you call a Wednesday that’s full of laughter? “Wickedly funny Wednesday”!

Why did the baker have a special sale on Wednesdays? It was his way of “rolling in the dough”!

Why did the student bring a pillow to class on Wednesday? To dream about the weekend during lectures!

Why did the chicken go to the seance on Wednesday? To speak to its “crossed over” friends!

What did the Wednesday say to the other days? “I’m the middle child of the week, give me some attention!”

Why did the golfer feel frustrated on Wednesday? Every time he swung, he hit a “hump-day”!

Why did the monkey bring a ladder to work on Wednesday? It wanted to climb the corporate tree!

What’s the best way to beat the Wednesday blues? Dance like nobody’s watching on a “happy feet Wednesday”!

Why did the cookie feel sad on Wednesday? It was feeling a bit “crumby”!

What do you call a Wednesday that feels like a Friday? A “freednesday”!

Why did the scientist choose Wednesday to conduct experiments? It’s when the “mid-week magic” happens!

What’s the difference between Wednesday and a superhero? Wednesday doesn’t wear a cape but still saves the week!

Why did the bank robbers choose Wednesday to commit a crime? It’s the day when everyone’s too tired to chase them!

What’s a pirate’s favorite day of the week? “Wed-ARRRRR-sday”!

Why did the dog bring a bone to work on Wednesday? It wanted to have a “fetching” mid-week break!

What do you call a Wednesday that never ends? An “eternal hump-day”!

Why did the cat feel grumpy on Wednesday? It realized it still had three more days until the weekend nap!

What’s the best way to survive a Wednesday? Imagine you’re in a tropical paradise during a “Wednesday getaway”!

Why did the chef make extra pancakes on Wednesday? To stack up some mid-week happiness!

What did the Wednesday say to the weekend? “You’re only two days away, but you feel like a lifetime!”

Why did the computer feel sluggish on Wednesday? It was suffering from mid-week “byte” fatigue!

What’s the best song to listen to on a Wednesday? “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor!

Why did the comedian schedule their funniest show on Wednesday? They wanted to turn hump-day into laughter-filled “wit-ness-day”!

What do you call a Wednesday that’s filled with rainbows and unicorns? A “magical mid-week”!

Why did the elephant bring a suitcase to work on Wednesday? It was planning an early weekend getaway!

What’s the secret to staying positive on Wednesdays? Embrace your inner “hump-day hero” and tackle the day with a smile!

Why did the gardener feel excited on Wednesday? It was time to plant the seeds of weekend relaxation!

What did the coffee say to the office worker on Wednesday morning? “I’m here to perk up your mid-week slump!”

Why did the superhero decide to take a break on Wednesday? Even superheroes need a “power nap day”!

What’s the best way to stay motivated on Wednesdays? Surround yourself with inspirational quotes and declare it “Wellness Wednesday”!

Why did the cat start practicing yoga on Wednesdays? It wanted to master the “meow-ga” pose!

What do you call a Wednesday that’s full of surprises? A “whimsical Wednesday”!

Why did the bee feel extra buzzy on Wednesday? It sensed the sweet scent of the approaching weekend!

What’s the difference between Wednesday and a roller coaster? On Wednesday, the ups and downs are all in your mood!

Why did the magician perform tricks on Wednesday? To make the mid-week disappear in a puff of laughter!

What’s the best way to enjoy Wednesday evenings? Have a “movie marathon night” and escape into cinematic adventures!

Why did the squirrel feel adventurous on Wednesday? It was on a mission to conquer the “hump-day hurdle”!

What’s the best way to end a Wednesday? With a delicious treat, because you deserve a “yum-day” after conquering the mid-week!

Wednesday Jokes FAQs

Can I use Wednesday jokes for social media posts?

Absolutely! Wednesday jokes are perfect for social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. They can help engage your audience and bring a smile to their faces.

Are Wednesday jokes suitable for all ages?

Most Wednesday jokes are family-friendly, suitable for all age groups. However, it’s essential to be mindful of your audience and ensure the jokes align with their preferences and sensitivities.

Are there any specific themes or categories of Wednesday jokes?

Wednesday jokes cover a broad range of themes, from work-related humor to puns, one-liners, and witty observations. You can find jokes related to office life, Wednesdays in general, or even specific topics like coffee or meetings.

Can Wednesday jokes help relieve stress?

Yes, laughter, including that induced by Wednesday jokes, has been shown to reduce stress levels. It triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good hormones, providing a temporary escape from the pressures of the day.

Where can I find a collection of Wednesday jokes?

You can find an extensive collection of Wednesday jokes on various websites, joke forums, or even in joke books dedicated to humor for each day of the week. A quick internet search will reveal numerous sources to explore and enjoy.

Having perused an amusing assortment of jokes centered around Wednesday, we trust that you had a hearty chuckle.

If you’re seeking further amusement in the form of witty puns, we encourage you to explore these exceptional compilations of humorous jokes.