Jokes About Pizza

Funny pizza jokes are sure to crack you up! Get ready for a hilarious ride with the best pizza puns and a collection of rib-tickling jokes. Whether you’re a kid or an adult, these pizza jokes will bring a smile to your face.

Let’s dive right into our top list of pizza dad jokes! Discover your favorite pizza puns, have a good laugh, and don’t forget to share this pizza humor with others. It’s time to spread the joy of funny pizza jokes!

Pizza Jokes and Puns

What did the pizza say when it proposed to the tomato? “I want to spend the rest of my life with you, topping to bottom!”

Why did the pizza go to the art museum? It wanted to see the “Masterpiece-a” pizza!

What do you call a sleeping pizza? A piZZZa!

How do you fix a broken pizza? With tomato paste!

Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything, even pizza!

What did one slice of pizza say to the other slice at the party? “You wanna dance? I’m feeling kinda saucy!”

What’s a pizza’s favorite song? “Slice, Slice Baby!”

Why did the pizza go to the party alone? Because it didn’t want anyone to know it was a little “cheesy.”

How do you get a pizza to stop watching too much TV? Change its channels!

What did the pepperoni say to the cheese? “You’re looking sharp today!”

Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the pizza sauce!

What do you call a pizza that you can’t trust? A “deep-dishonest” pizza!

What do you get when you cross a pizza with a baseball player? A pizza that can really throw some “dough-balls”!

Why was the math book sad after eating pizza? It had too many “slices”!

What’s a pizza’s favorite type of clothing? Deep dish-ses!

How do you know if you’re in love with pizza? You want to get a “pizza” them for the rest of your life!

What do you call a pizza that tells jokes? A “comedy crust”!

What do you call a pizza that can do magic tricks? A “prestidigita-dough”!

Why don’t pizzas ever go to the gym? They’re afraid of “getting sauced”!

How did the pizza maker win the marathon? He knew a “shortcut”!

What’s a pizza’s favorite type of music? Wrap music!

Why did the pizza go to the casino? It wanted to “roll” the dice!

What do you call a pizza that’s cold but still trying to be cool? A “chill-a-pie”!

Why did the pizza bring an umbrella? In case of “thundercrust”!

What’s a pizza’s favorite place to go on vacation? The “Leaning Tower of Pizza”!

What did the pepperoni say to the mushroom at the party? “You’re a fungi to be with!”

Why did the pizza maker go broke? He just couldn’t make enough “dough”!

What do you call a pizza that’s always cranky? A “grumpy crust”!

How do you fix a pizza with sunburn? Just use a little “aloe-ve”!

What do you call a pizza that you’re afraid to eat? A “scaryoli”!

Why did the pizza go to the therapist? It had too many “emotional toppings”!

What’s a pizza’s favorite movie genre? Slice-of-life films!

How do you keep a pizza from running away? Take away its “little cheesy feet”!

What do you call a pizza that’s been supporting a heavy weight? A “strong crust”!

Why did the pizza go to school? It wanted to get a “pizza-ducation”!

What did the pizza say to the mushroom? “You’re one fungi to hang out with!”

How do you know if you’re eating a ghost pizza? It gives you the chills!

Why did the pizza blush? Because it saw the salad dressing!

What did the pizza say to the delivery driver? “You’ve got the right toppings for success!”

How do you make a pizza laugh? Give it a good “topping”!

What do you call a pizza that’s on fire? “Blazing Saddles”!

Why did the pizza maker always win at poker? He had a lot of “dough”!

What’s a pizza’s favorite dance move? The “cheesy slide”!

Why did the pizza go to outer space? It wanted to visit the “mozzarella-r system”!

What do you call a pizza that sings opera? Pavarott-pie!

How do you catch a runaway pizza? Use a “pepperoni leash”!

Why did the tomato turn to the mushroom for advice? It said, “I need someone with ‘morel’ experience!”

What did the pizza say to the slice of bread? “You’re my other half!”

Why did the pizza maker go to therapy? He had too many “toppings of stress”!

How do you compliment a pizza chef? Say, “You’re grate!”

What did the pizza say when it won an award? “I’d like to thank my biggest fans…you crust me up!”

Why did the pizza maker always have the perfect temperature in his pizzeria? He was a “master of the oven”!

What’s a pizza’s favorite game? “Hide-and-go-pepperoni”!

How do pizzas get good grades in school? They “study the crust”!

Why was the pizza maker a great musician? He had a lot of “flour-té”!

What do you call a pizza that’s always cold? A “chilly cheese”!

Why did the pizza go to the beach? It wanted to get a little “sandy cheese”!

What’s a pizza’s favorite part of the newspaper? The “extra cheese section”!

Why did the pizza go to the party dressed as a vampire? It wanted to “suck out” all the fun!

What do you call a pizza that plays the guitar? A “tuneful-toppings”!

How do pizzas wish each other good night? “Have a crusty sleep!”

Why did the pizza have trouble making friends? It was too “sauce-y”!

What did the pizza say when it was complimented on its appearance? “I know I’m hot stuff!”

Why did the pizza throw a party? It wanted to “top” the charts!

What’s a pizza’s favorite subject in school? Geometry, because it loves calculating the “cheese angles”!

Why did the pizza break up with the breadstick? It just wasn’t “rolling in the right dough”!

How do pizzas apologize to each other? They say, “I’m sorry for being a little ‘cheesy’!”

What do you call a pizza that tells tall tales? A “pizza fiction”!

Why did the pizza maker get into stand-up comedy? He had a lot of “slice-of-life” material!

What’s a pizza’s favorite social media platform? Instagram, because it’s all about the “foodie” pics!

Why did the pizza maker start a band? He wanted to “spread the jam”!

What do you call a pizza that’s scared of its own toppings? A “fraidough”!

How do pizzas get around town? They use the “saucemobile”!

Why did the pizza go to the fortune teller? It wanted to know if it had a “slice” future!

What did the pizza say to the bread? “You’re toast!”

Why did the pizza maker become a detective? He always found the “slice” of the crime!

What’s a pizza’s favorite TV show? “Game of Scones”!

Why did the pizza maker go broke trying to open a seafood restaurant? He didn’t understand the “finer crustaceans”!

What did one slice of pizza say to the other during an argument? “I think we need to take a ‘saucy’ break!”

How do pizzas say hello to each other? “Nice to ‘meat’ you!”

What’s a pizza’s favorite insect? The “cheese fly”!

Why did the pizza get a ticket? It was caught “topping” the speed limit!

What do you call a pizza that’s an excellent dancer? A “twirling topping”!

Why did the pizza go to the gym? It wanted to work on its “upper crust”!

What’s a pizza’s favorite board game? “Chutes and Pizza-ters”!

How do you make a pizza stop talking? Just say, “Enough with the ‘saucy’ remarks!”

Why did the pizza maker become a yoga instructor? He wanted to learn the “dough salutation”!

What’s a pizza’s favorite superhero? “The Crustice League”!

Why did the pizza maker become a gardener? He loved working with “herb toppings”!

What did the pizza say to the delivery driver after a long day? “I’m all ‘topped’ out!”

We hope these 90 pizza jokes brought a smile to your face and left you craving some delicious cheesy goodness. Whether you prefer thin crust, deep dish, or something in between, pizza has a way of bringing people together and making us laugh.

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